Last time I showed you London zoo as a fun day out while also social distancing, while today is another suggestion on a day out away from crowds, Dover Castle.
I’m a sucker for castles. I don’t know what it is, but I love visiting castles and historic places. If I got a free day where we don’t have to do anything and want to get out of the house, our options are usually a castle or a Nation Trust property.
Anyway, a few weeks ago, we had a completely free day where the weather was lovely, and we just wanted to get out of the house, so we went to Dover Castle.
Dover Castle has been on my castle bucket list for a while so as you can imagine when the suggestion for a day out came up, I was the first to suggest on going this time.
Getting to Dover Castle from London it a 1-2 hours trains journey which isn’t too bad. Once in Dover, you’ll see the castle almost immediately looming over the small town.
We didn’t spend a considerable amount of time exploring the small town of Dover, as I’m not the most patient person in the world and just wanted to get to the castle asap.
The castle sits high on a hill, right on the edge of the famous white chalk cliff of Dover. It not much of a climb to get there as steps are leading you to the top.
It suggested you buy tickets online before you go, but you can still purchase tickets at the door – however, they would give you a time slot on when you can go in.
Unfortunately, the many areas of the castle were closed due to Covid-19, so I was a little disappointed to learn I couldn’t explore the spooky medieval tunnel or the WWII underground hospital.
But we did climb up the great tower, a 120-spiralling staircase. Let me tell you its great legs workout. The view was worth it as you could see for miles and miles, to the point where you could just about see the very edge of France. I believe from Dover to France it approximately 20-30 miles away.
When we went, there weren’t too many people so we could easily social distance and it such a wide-open area, I feel you wouldn’t necessarily bump into people anyway.
After climbing various hills and ancient spiralling staircase, we decided to chill out at a pub and go home.
So, is Dover Castle worth visiting? I say it is, especially If you’re fascinated by English history and a bit of sucker for any historical castle.