We’re well over ten days into the new year and I only just popped over to say hello. Whoops. To be honest, January isn’t my favourite month, and I tend to hibernate at this time of year. Can you blame me when it so cold outside? Anyway, I popped on to show you my new year and a new outlook for 2021.
Typically, not only do I hibernate at this time of year, but I also tend to make plans on what I want to do over the next 12 months. I get anxious around January, and I think it the prospect of not knowing what another year will be like, so I find making plans helps in a small way. I like planning a holiday and trips away to new places. As I said before, I’m a girl who likes to go on adventures.
That is what I usually would be doing, making plans and wait for January to pass over. But this year I don’t feel like making plans. I think this would be the first year when I don’t want to plan for the coming year.
Why? I feel with COVID still ramping across the UK and the rest of the world, I feel making plans is kind of futile. Which won’t be an easy thing as like I said, I get anxious quite easily. I suppose the best thing for me is to go with the flow and leave it to the universe to guide me along.
Anyway, enough talk about plans and being anxious. I wanted to show you my new winter outfit look. Last year as a winter outfit looks, I showed you two coats, the purple lighthouse one and my bright pink long one. I’m bringing up the colours of those outfits as I’m always barking at how I’m rainbow Bright during the winter months and how I like to stand out from all the sea of black or grey coats.
Well, not this year. I somehow joined the sea of grey, and black coats with this New Look belted coat (*). It was a basement bargain price. When a bargain comes up, you grab it and run. Well, that what I do anyway.
If life does ever resume and I do find myself running all over London, I want a coat that will be stylish and at least, a little bit smart. Something I can throw on and run out of the door—an easy enough coat in which I can accessories with scarf and gloves.
That is enough talking for now, let me show you how I accessories the New Look Grey belted coat (*) and added just a little bit of colours (after all this is me, we’re talking about here) for good measure.

(*) affiliate link