Oh, my hair, the bane of my life. I have both a love and hate relationship with it. The thing about my hair is that it long and it is thick.
No matter what I do, my hair keeps being this long thick weave on the top of my head. I have said this before that my hair is like one of those dolls where you pull the arm and the hair grows. Well, that is me.
I never had the need to get hair extensions or wear a wig as I got too much hair. I know what you are thinking, ‘Oh, you are so lucky!’. Trust me; I don’t feel lucky as my hair is genuinely the bane of my life.
I can wake up on someday and find my hair look like I been running through a hedge backwards and don’t even get me started on how it looks like Diana Ross hair in humidity.
Over the years I have learnt what works for my long thick hair and what doesn’t and I feel like sharing a few of my tips. Here are 3 quick and easy ways to look after long thick hair.
Don’t pull your hair into a ponytail too much
I find with my long thick hair that if I pull it into a ponytail or a fancy style it will just get knotted and it became a nightmare to untangle. I remember asking a hairdresser to put my hair into a milkmaid braid and very quickly to become a tangled mess, the hairdresser has never seen hair that gets tangled so quickly. My advice would be to leave your hair loose and free. If need to be pulled back then use a scrunchy or a hair ribbon.
Use a detangled brush
The best thing I discovered is how using a detangled brush make looking after my hair so much easier. I was recently gifted this new Wet brush (*) which promise to help bring out the natural hair shine even to tangled of hair. It has been a bloody godsend. For example, my hair after swimming gets all knotted and look bloody awful. One quick brush with this and my hair look tangle-free and brand new. As you can imagine, my advice would be to only use a detangled brush.
Don’t use too much heat onto the hair
I’m sure you know that overheating the hair is bad news, heat does not do the hair any good. What I find practical and a way to stop tangled hair is by blow-drying on low heat for a minute and then leave it to dry naturally. Off course, you might not have time to let your hair dry naturally, then, in that case, use low heat blow drying and avoid using a towel. I say this as a towel can create friction and can cause split ends – so avoid towel drying.
Those were my 3 quick and easy ways to look after long thick hair? Do you have tips of your own to share? How do you look after your long thick hair?
More photos of my hair over the years are over on my Instagram.
(*) gifted.