I’m obsessed with Instagram and spend a large portion of my day on there. I like to think I have picked up a few tips and tricks. So, here are 5 tips on how to grow on Instagram.
I check Instagram first thing in the morning and last thing at night, and usually a large potion throughout the middle. Yeah, I’m pretty obsessed with Instagram and I like to say it my number one platform I use the most.
Last year I decided to up my Instagram game, so to speak. I gave it a 110% and over the course of 2017, it has grown massively. Ok no quite superstar status, but enough where I have a constant flow of engagements and new people always following.
So how did I grow my Instagram? Well, let me tell you right off the bat – it not easy. Everyone always thinks it is easy to be an Instagrammer, but it really isn’t.
For starter, and this is something I noticed early on when I gave my focus to Instagram: the weirdo. Some of you might have seen my little instastories rant about the weirdo. Random accounts where it designed to spam your DM (direct messages) or just like to show body part you don’t want to see – if you know what I mean. Random weirdo using Instagram more as a dating site than a place to share photos. Not going to lie, it really did p***ed me off. For a time, I was hesitating to share any photos of myself, due to the influx of weirdo messages. But you can quickly block them and report it to Instagram and they can deal with it. But not 100% confident to share photos of myself.
Anyway, enough about my rant on the weirdo of Instagram. What I’m saying is, growing on Instagram isn’t easy. But here are 5 tips on how to grow on Instagram and how it can work for you.
Don’t post any old random photos:
For a time, I did do that. Pick a random bad blurry picture on my phone and uploaded it to Instagram. I discovered very quickly that doesn’t work. People like a nice clear beautiful photo, so give them that. Not some blurry out of focus picture of your cat. Unless that a look you are going for.
Be involved:
Don’t just sit back and let people come to you, nope – not going to happen. I adore the explore feature on the app, it lets me look for people who have the same interest as me. When you find something you like, give it a like or comments down below. Also, watch/look at their instastories and perhaps message them if something catches your eyes.
Don’t be afraid to experiment with filters:
At the end of last year, I started to experiment with filters. I downloaded the apps, my Instagram and my Instagram. You do need to pay for their filter but it isn’t much and you can pick and choose which one you like the most. Try out different filters and see which one works the best for you.
Use your DSLR camera rather than your phone:
Another thing I discovered early one, partly due to the fact that the camera on my last phone was rubbish. I also discovered that any images uploaded to Flickr, you can send it to Instagram. So that been a big help to me. You can buy SD readers for your phone which will automatically transfer photos from your DSLR to the phone. DSLR camera gives your Instagram profile a more polished look and it shows you care about what photo you have taken.
Get a business account:
You probably heard this before and there is better advice on business account available. But change your profile to a business account. No major difference, only that you now have access to stats to every photo on your profile. It breaks down on who and where saw your profile and photos. It also gives you an idea of what works and what doesn’t. I always find this very useful.
Those were my 5 tips on how to grow on Instagram. Let me know if you have any to add?