There is so many resources and info out there when getting into blogging, it easy to lose track of it all. Well, help is at hand where I have compiled a short list of 5 useful websites for bloggers.

I was having a conversation about this with someone recently, how when you start to blog online there is so much you need to learn.

It like taking a degree! Or at least some kind of course where you have an exam at the end of it. Or at least an immediate in-depth knowledge of everything from SEO to Twitter to WordPress dashboard.

The confusing part is trying to keep track of all the information and remembering what you have seen and what you have read.

But as always helps is at hand. Never fear because I am here!  I have compiled a short list of 5 useful websites for bloggers. So you – even if you’re new or an oldie can find something that will help you and your blog.

Let get this party started, here are my 5 useful websites for bloggers

Stat counter:

I know I said this before but I have found Stat counter to be so useful. A lot more useful and helpful than Google Analytic. It lets you take a closer look at your visitors and what they are viewing or clicking on while on the site. I find this useful as I know when people are downloading my images or are just clicking around my site and what they are reading (or viewing).

Bloggers Traffic Community:

A new site that has only recently started up, so you might not have heard about it. It a community where you can promote your new blog post and also just to pick up any new handy tips. This is also a good way to meet other bloggers who have the same interest as you.


I only started to play around with this today, so I can’t tell you a lot about it. But any buddy photographer bloggers, you might find this useful.

This website will search the internet and inform you when they find someone is using your photograph. You can also submit copyright infringement cases to get financial compensation.  As I said, I don’t know a whole lot of this but it is useful if you’re worried about someone stealing your photograph.


A new affiliate program that is a lot easier than most other affiliate programs. It has a HUGE range of stores worldwide to choose from. All you have to do is paste a link from one of the affiliate stores and it will give you an affiliate link. For example, say you linking from Topshop, paste the link to brand reward and it will give you the affiliate link you can paste on your blog. It really easy to sign up and I have been impressed by it.


A new site that I only discovered recently. This might be useful for any photographer bloggers who want to make a little bit of money with their photos. You can also buy any photos for your blog but do read up on the licensing first. As well as the website, you can also use their app and upload photos on the go. I don’t know a huge amount but it might be useful if you’re into photography.

5 useful websites for bloggers

If you have any of your own favourite sites that you use on a dailies basis for your blog, please let me know in the comments.

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