I believe this is my first outfit post for this year. Yeah, I haven’t done an outfit post for a very long time. Believe it not, but I went on a shopping ban.
No, I did. Yes, I, the girl who is the real-life Rebecca Bloomwood, went on a shopping ban. The girl who buy more clothes then sense went on a complete shopping ban.
Laugh all you like, but the reason was straightforward – I completely maxed out my wardrobe. Yes, a red siren started flashing on my wardrobe with ‘danger, maxed out space, this wardrobe will explode’. I finally got to the point where I have run out of space with my wardrobe.
So for the past six months, I’ve been on a shopping ban while also working toward clearing out my wardrobe and creating some space so I can repeat the whole cycle and start to maxed out.
However, and this is the point where I make a tiny little confession where I kind-of broke my little shopping ban by buying this white H&M blouse*.
I found myself recently wanting a white blouse where I can wear it for a multitude of occasions. If you have been reading here for a while, you will know I seem to love floaty tunic where it does an excellent job of hiding those lumps and bumps. I’m just not a fan of button-down blouse or tunic – I find them so restricted. I like something comfortable to wear, and I can team it up with legging.
Since buying this white H&M blouse*, it has become my summer staple. So far this summer this has been my number one summer wear. I have been wearing this everywhere.
For example, two weeks ago, when we went to Eastbourne and spent the day on the beach. Eastbourne is a little beachy area along the south coast of the UK – it more of a quiet spot just outside of Brighton.
I wore this white H&M blouse when we visited, and it was just the perfect summer wear as it kept me cooled and stopped my getting sunburnt.
Not the most exciting summer outfit – nor the most glamorous or exotic backdrop (one day I will do an outfit post on a Caribbean beach!) but I wanted to show you my go-to summer staple outfit and what I have been wearing lately.
With H&M having so many lovely summer clothes in store right now (yes, I’m browsing their online store while writing this) is proving to be torture for my shopping ban. So help a girl out here, buy all the pretty clothes so it can be sold out and I won’t be tempted to purchase anything. I’m just kidding.
One last thing, these pictures show that I need to do my root and that I look something out of the Matrix with those sunglasses – I forgot to bring mine so had to borrow my husband.
Do tell me what has been yours go-to summer staple outfit.
*similar (the white H&M blouse has sold out online but you might be able to get it in store.)