When my camera broke last year, I thought that would be the end of my photography. Which as you can imagine made me sad, as I like to snap happy and take a photo of whatever takes my fancy.

What can I say? I like pretty pictures – who doesn’t.

It was one of the reasons why I took a break from blogging last year as I lost the primary tool for it and I felt so lost without having a camera.

I still don’t have a camera, but I have worked out a system with my husband where I can use his instead—it a brilliant camera – Canon R, which is their first full-frame mirrorless camera. Anyway, I can use his camera as much as I like – as long as the hubby isn’t using it for work.

Which bring just joy that I’m back in business baby! I have a camera lone to me permanently, and that means I now can snap happy again.

But in between the times where my camera broke and finally having one loaned to me, I did take some photos on my phone. The camera on the phone isn’t amazing, but I think it does just an as good job as a DLR camera.

As my phone camera never leaves my side, I thought I would show you my random phone photos and what kind of things have taken my interest. When I say things, I mean items or places that made me want to take a picture of it.

These are my random phone photos from late 2019 to February 2020, so recent photos. More of my random phone photos can be seen on my Instagram.

I will be giving a caption of each phone photos:

Sherlock Holmes Museum – A victorian museum based in Baker Street.

Watkins Books: – This is a bookstore off Trifgular Square. It such a cool place to visit. 

The Beatles Store – Next to The Sherlock Holmes Museum

Hiking – a view and a few ponies that were abandoned in a field.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. Stay tuned for more updates!