I have wanted to write this for a long time. Ladies and Gentlemen, I’m happy announced that I’m going back to full-time blogging.
Oh! It feels so good to have that off my chest finally. Yes folk, I’m going back to full-time blogging. Let me refresh your memories.
I was full time blogging a few years ago but had a few personal issues which reduced me to part-time blogging. But I’m now back – stronger than ever.
I enjoyed writing whatever I feel like, I enjoyed not having anyone breathing down my neck, and I enjoy the freedom blogging can provide. I’m in a position where I can have the freedom to do what I want – when I want to.
I know what you are thinking, why go full time blogging when the world is going crazy right now? Yes, this pandemic has put a lot of my plan are on hold. But now I think it is the best time in going back to full time blogging as I can plan ever more and take the time to think about what direction I really want to go in.
Now I’m hoping to do 3-4 contents a week, plus writing weekly on my travel pateron. I’m also hoping to be more involved in my Instagram profile. Perhaps do a video on YouTube, but I’m so awkward on video.
There will be plenty of outfit post, beauty, wellbeing and of course, once everything been given the all-clear – travel. And a lot more topics I will be covering, so hopefully, there is a little something for everyone.
I’m determined not to give up on the first hurdle, and I’m determined to make this work. What I’m asking from you lovely people is to let me know how I’m getting on and if you have any suggestions for me – I’m always opened to new ideas.
So, expect to see a lot more of me on here, and it feels so good going back to full-time blogging.