A girl in a dress in the middle of a natural woodland area taking photos of herself, yup, it feels like an old fashion outfit post.
That is how I see these photos anyway. I mean, if you have been following my outfits escapade for a few years, you will know I’m not the typical outfit blogger who does photos in the middle of the street. Okay, I mean that I don’t do many streets photos and instead chose the safety of a deserted woodland area. There has been an instant where I did outfit photos from Kew Garden, and I also in Covent Garden.
But I never felt comfortable with doing them in a crowded area. And I know my photographer husband, who help shoot my outfit photos feel the same. Truthfully, we are two awkward, shy self-conscience people.
If I’m a shy, awkward girl, then why the hell do I do outfit photos? I said this before, but I am obsessed with clothes and fashion, and I like showing off my wardrobe choice.
It’s just that I prefer to show them off in the middle of woodland surrounded by nature rather than in the street where people will stop and stare thinking your someone famous. This had happened before where I was doing an outfit photo in London, minding my own business, when some tourist stopped me and thought I was some top celebrity or something.
So, since that incident, we feel more at home (if you can call it that) in the woodland with no one around to watch or bother us. We can work relatively in peace and taking our time.
It also means we can spend time to ourselves away from electronic entertainment and enjoy nature. We often take a picnic and find an area where we can sit down and have a picnic meal.
So overall, these photos of me wearing a dress in the middle of nowhere feel like an old fashion outfit post; don’t you think so?
Dress Zara