Now if you have been reading this blog for a while, you would know I’m a little bit of a baking failure! I’m sure you remember my ginger bread men fail from Christmas, not an episode I want to repeat thank you very much. However you live and learn and I’m a believer that practice make perfect, if at first you don’t succeed, try again! So over the weekend I did. I thought as it was Easter I would do some baking, c’mon who would say no to some Easter cakes – I know I wouldn’t! So I made Rice Krispie chocolate nest cake and I made butterfly nest cake as you can see from the picture above. I was proud of myself as I did it from scratch and I followed the instruction perfectly. Now the only thing I did ‘fail’ at was the icing – that something I still need to get good at! Despite how the picture might look – they tasted in fact very tasty and was so good. The butterfly nest cake was moist and gooey which is how you want your sponge cake to be while the chocolate Rice Krispie cake was crunchy and extremely chocolaty. So overall A pat of the back for me, I succeeded for once with my baking. One day I might attempt a rainbow cake or is that a step to far? If you have any Easter eggs left over or got so much chocolate you quite don’t know what to do, a good idea is to melt them and make it into a Rice Krispie cake or pour it over a sponge cake and eat it that way. I know that what I will be doing this week. So what Easter treat do you like baking?