Hello, by now you would have heard the news of that Google Readers in no more after 1st July. How does this affect bloggers? Well you no longer have subscription or blogs feed in your dashboard so it might be a little tricky to keep up to date with your fellow favorite bloggers *ahem me*.
This could also affect GFC (Google Friend Connect), there a range of rumor going around saying Google is removing it, here a really good blog post on The GFC rumor and what is going on as I’m not quite sure on what the truth is:
Now that Google Reader is going, how to keep in contact and up to date with your fellow bloggers *ahem me* (cough).
  • Bloglovin (Add me on bloglovin, there is also an apps where you can installed your Google Readers straight onto Bloglovin, tried it this morning and it kept crashing.)
  • http://www.feedly.com/ (I installed it this morning and it been brilliant as you can keep all your blogs feeds in one place.)
  • Hello Cotton
  • Google + (I’m not a big fan of this but I got a google+ page for this little blog so yeah circle me peeps.)
There are others in the work or now being develops for blogs. Google Readers relied on your blog RSS Feeds so I’m sure there are already plenty of RSS Feeds around the internet/blogging sphere.
So while this is bad news and a massive blow, at least it not the end of the world, or is it? You tell me.
Thank you for taking the time to read this post. Stay tuned for more updates!