Lately things have been getting rather out of hand, crazy and hectic is what I call it. That marketing campaign I was telling about last time  ended up lasting a lot longer that it was suppose to originally.  Also as you might recall  I mentioned that there wasn’t enough hours in the day – one minute your waking up and then the next it bedtime again. Yes I have been busy – the kind of busy where all the hours and day blur into one.

I had to temporarily put away my blogger hat on and put on a brown dull business hat (it scratched like hell!). My energy went toward that brown hat until thing was able to clam down.

Now thing has calmed down and I can now put my blogger hat back on. With all that said I also been agonizing over this blog, to the point where I’m talking about it 24/7. I think even Richard is sick to the back teeth of me talking about it. I been agonizing over what to do with it. Should I keep it as magazine with different categories all at one or make it more picture base. I would spend hours looking at  trying to decide which theme to have, which direction I want this blog to go.

The point of me saying this? It’s to do with the gradual realization that the best course of action when it come to the blog is to strip it back to basic. Stop agonizing on what theme to have or if I should keep it as a magazine and just get back to what made me want to blog in the first place. I found it really fun and interesting to look at my old posts, specifically on what I wrote on that specific day and what I was doing on that day.

So this little rumble is me saying as things have slowed down (for a time being) I will be putting my full attention to this blog and writing topics of what I want to write about. Hopefully you guys will come along with me on the ride.


Thank you for taking the time to read this post. Stay tuned for more updates!