To those who know me will know I’m the biggest chocoholic ever. This is why I’m going on a dechox.
I mean if there was a competition for who is the biggest chocoholic eater with everyone in the entire world, yes 9 billion people I would win it hand down. I’d be crowned the biggest chocoholic eater. If alien visited earth and they asked who is the biggest chocoholic (cause they totally know what chocolate is, they have it on their home planet) everyone would point to me.
Yes I devour chocolate like there no tomorrow. I have it as milkshake, for my breakfast and also sometime as midnight feast. There is not a single day where I do not have a single piece of chocolate. There is also not a single day when I do not have a craving for it and when I do have a craving, what do I do? Well I have some chocolate to satisfied my craving.
I buy it when I’m out shopping to past the time, I ask my husband to pick up a bar of chocolate on his way home and in winter I drink nothing but hot chocolate. I once had spa treatment where it was a full body chocolate wrap massage just so I can have some chocolate. Yes I’m obsessed!!
So by this point I think you’re getting the picture. I latterly live and breathe chocolate. I also know I eat too much of it and I need help.
This is why I decided i’m going on a dechox:
I heard this on the radio last week and it sounded interesting and really fun.
DECHOX is a nationwide sponsored challenge to give up chocolate for March and raise money for the British Heart Foundation where money goes toward life saving heart research.
Any sort of cocoa is a no-no, which means chocolate bars, sweets, treats, biscuits, ice cream, cake – and even the chocolate sprinkles on my ice cream – are off-limits during March.
Last year, over 19,000 dedicated Dechoxers took on the challenge to chuck the choc, raising nearly £800,000 in the process for the BHF – an incredible amount from a nation of true chocoholics! DECHOX 2016 promises to be even bigger and better.
Yup even those I eat so much chocolate where I do live and breathe it – I’m willing to give it up for the month for a good cause. If you want my reason on why i’m doing this, it to detox my body and to stop the craving and to help fund money for a good cause.
This will be good for me also as it will test my willpower and to see if I can actually live without chocolate for a month. I’m not doing this alone – oh no no. You are helping me as well.
Please donate to my fundraising page it would be amazing and you would also help support me and the BHF.
Also give me support on my Twitter and Facebook page, I will also be posting update on how I’m getting on but truthfully I won’t be able to do this on my own. I will need your help.
So what do you say, are you going on a dechox with me?