Here is another edition of my top 10 fashion commandant which I’m posting every week, take a look at this post here to understand what I’m talking about.

Anyway here is this week edition:

Ok this next rule admittedly is for the people who actually make the clothes, the designer. Can you please stop cutting out giant big hole in the back of basic clothes, have you consider we not in the middle of the Mediterranean here but have good old fashion British weather where the temperature can actually drop. Why destroy a perfect designed dress with an ugly design of a star or a giant hole in the back? Clothes used to be about being modest and stylish, now it all about showing as much skin  and sex appeal as possible, not to sound old fashion here but I like my clothes to be modest and stylish. It does leave an impression where the designer have designed the clothes and taken a step back and thought ‘hmm, what else?’  Then these fashion designers would pick up their scissors and start cutting away, like a child snipping away on paper.  It illogical and not practical wearing, not everyone is the same size or height, so what might look good on a tall 5ft6 blonde might not look so good on a petite person. So as a note to these designers – please stop this trend, its ridicule.
Thank you for taking the time to read this post. Stay tuned for more updates!