I love going on a treasure hunt in my own home, as you often find things you thought you would never see again. Well, that what I was doing this weekend. I found my boxes of secrets.
I feel almost ashamed to admit this, but I’m little bit of a hoarder. Like one of those crazy people who have a whole filled with the most random object known to man! Ok you know how some people filled their house with cats and dolls, well I filled mine with books, magazines and clothes. There a reason why I very rarely, if ever show you my office, it a mess. This is also much to the despair of my husband who thinks I should throw everything away.
But my argument to this hoarding obsession I shameless have, is that I like to look back on old memories. Go down memories lane. I mean what so bad about that? I get so attached to objects and I like remising on old obsession. At my parents’ house I still have all my old Sweet Valley books, now that is something I will never ever in a million years throw away. God, I want to find those books again.
But the thing with me is I often will stack them away into a box and then completely forget about it. Hence what happens when we moved a few years ago. I put all my bits and bobs into various of boxes and then just forgot about it, until this weekend when I went on a treasure hunt within my own home.
There was no real treasure map and no x mark the spot. But when I moved out of my parents house, I insisted on bringing my old toy box. Yeah laugh at me but it actually a really good storage unit and it to stop my mum throwing away my old toys. Remember I’m a hopeless hoarder and like reminiscing. Anyway since then, this storage box has stayed with me and I brought it with me when we moved into our current place.
I decided to look into my old toy box this weekend, which now sits in our bedroom and goes through the boxes I have stored in there. I mean for all I know I could have very well stored gold for this length of time and have somehow forgotten about it. Who am I kidding? When would I ever forget I was storing gold? If I was I would be in the Maldives faster, then lighting.
Here is why I discovered in my boxes of secrets.
Well box number 1, contained numbers of junk. I seem to somehow have kept numbers of my old uni papers and documents. I also seem to have kept numbers of my old uni books. I got so fed up throughout my time at uni to find lots of theories books unavailable due to other student hoarding them; that I went to a bookstore and bought a loads of theories books myself. So obviously I kept them once I graduated. Which now I got a family member at the same uni as me, I’m so pleased I did as it would so helpful to her. Oh, by the way, I did fashion journalism at uni.
But box number 1 also contained some old paperback books which I really should have thrown away years ago.
Box number 2 was filled to the brimmed with magazines. Now throughout my time at uni, I had the biggest obsession with magazines. I would visit Selfridge pretty much every week and goes to their international WHSmith section to buy a few magazines. Yeah, that was how crazy I was. I wasn’t interested in the boring weekly you always see on the newsstand, oh no my friend. I was into the niche highly selected glossy photographic magazine such as Lula, Oh Comley, peppermint. You get the picture. These magazines only a few selected newsstands sell them and once they sold out – that it. Someone told me that these magazines reached a hefty price on EBay.
I should make a mental note and look through these old magazines.
While you could argue that my boxes of secrets had no real hidden gem and no real treasure. Me I tell them they are wrong and my boxes of secrets were filled with hidden gems and treasure.
So tell me, what is inside your boxes of secrets?