Here’s a topic that always causes quite a morning breakfast debate. Having the eggs either soft or hard boiled. Which do you prefer, soft or hardboiled egg?
This was a topic that causes quite a stir while growing up, to have a soft or hardboiled egg. I’m not kidding either, trust me when I say that this can cause the temper to fly. And at 7 am in the morning, you’re not quite ready or awake for temper to fly. My mum argument was hard boiled all the way – while my dad was soft-boiled and nothing else. Which usually left me as piggy in the middle – the girl; who have to side with her dad and agree that soft boiled egg is better than hardboiled.
Now you must think I’ve lost my mind, I can assure you haven’t. Even after I moved out of my parents’ home, this debate still continued. And I was reminded of it when I came over for a visit recently. Dad in the soft corner – while mum is firmly in the other corner. A tug of war that will never end. Once again I sided with my dad in the corner, which didn’t please my mum.
These argumentative breakfast debates originate back from the 80s – early 90s when it was considering poisonous to eat soft boiled egg. I’m not kidding, leading food scientist made a big fuss on that the yellow yoke as it wasn’t cooked properly was covered in semolina and dangerous to eat.
It was known back then as the big egg scared and it got to the point where the debate was carried out in the house of parliament. Even the prime minister of the day, Margret Thatcher has to own up on how she likes her eggs in the morning.
Fortunately, the egg scared got swiftly sorted out and found that it was completely safe to eat soft boiled egg. *Phew*
Which brings me back to my parents. My dad thought the whole egg scared was silly nonsense and utter rubbish. While mum was very conscience and thought there was truth in this.
I have been having a soft boiled egg for my pretty much for the whole of my life and I’m completely fine and healthy. If I’m not having a croissant breakfast, I’ll be having my egg and solider (cut up slices of toast).
The whole point of this little ramble is to hand the question over to you. Which do you prefer? Soft or hardboiled egg? And does this topic cause so much of an argument within the home?
Don’t even get me started on Marmite.