It very rare where I live to see ‘real’ Autumn beauty. You know, golden leaves and low sunshine. So, I often go somewhere outside of my local area to get my desire dreamy Autumn look.
So, we went to Regent Park London. It has been a long time since I walked through it, and a few people recommended it to me as a place to see the kind of Autumn beauty I was after.
If you’re in London this season and want a relaxing, peaceful stroll, then Regent Park is the place to visit. As you walk around, you almost forget you are in central London as it was quiet and the only sound to be heard was the trees rustling in the wind.
Anyway, not only was I on the hunt to see real Autumn beauty, but to also wear an old coat that I’m unsure on. I have shown this coat before on here, and previously I said I was uncertain on it, so nothing has changed. I still can’t make up my mind on whether I like it or not.
My mother brought it for me, and one thing I can say about my mother is that she is obsessed with coats – I’m not kidding! Every Christmas or birthday it a new coat or jacket. This coat happens to be one of many she has brought for me over the years.
It’s a New Look Grey Flecked Longline Bomber Jacket and it a couple of years old now. The thing that makes me unsure on this coat that this wouldn’t be something I would typically pick up.
It was my reasons on why I wore when I was strolling through Regent Park as I was determined to make up my mind on whether I should bin it or keep.
As I was walking around, I did think this coat was a perfect Autumn fit. But when I was putting it on and leaving the house, Richard called it ‘trampy’ and looks frumpy.
So, on the one hand, this is a perfect Autumn coat, but on the other, this makes me looks ‘frumpy’. I’m more torn than I ever was.
Let me ask you, do you like this coat and think I should keep it as an Autumn staple? Do you think this makes me look frumpy?
What kind of coat would you wear on an Autumn walk in Regent Park?