Do you remember last week when I asked you to submit your blog so I could review them? Well today is the day and I have chosen my four in which I will now review. Are you ready for blog reviewed part 1?
I will like to say I did choose these blogs randomly and if I hasn’t choose you this time – submit your blog again in the comment box and maybe next time.
The design is really nice. Clean and it grab you when you first enter. I like how to designed the header as it’s a clear indication on what the site is about. I like that you got the SM buttons at the top and also easy access to subscription.
The menu is nice and I like it – however my suggestion might be to move the search bar down to your sidebar, if that make sense? It looks odd on my browser.
Beautiful sidebar picture of you and your kids. It not too cluttered and I always think it a good idea to list your categories down on the sidebar. This enable people to click onto other area of the blog.
The area (the main index page) where you show your post is really nice. It does however – having 3 columns which does look a little squash; so perhaps spacing it out to two columns. I kept scrolling to see your footer and just when I get glimpse of it – and then it disappears. My suggestion might be to limit the amount of posts to be shown and maybe perhaps think of another option. But that up to you.
Your niche blog is bang on – couldn’t think of another way to phrase it. It clear and it hit the right target audience.
Overall you have a very nice site and you yourself should be proud.
The name of the blog did make me stop and take notice – it a unique blog name that fit nicely to what the blog is about. What is Green Acres Meet Paris? I never heard of that phrase before, now I want to know more.
Your blog design is very clean and filled with lots of words – that not a bad thing! It’s your preference and perhaps as a suggestion is to put a header photo up or add features images to blog posts. Just give it more colour and personality. As it stands I don’t feel compel to click onto your blog – there no pictures drawing me in.
However, once you do click onto a blog post, there are some very lovely photos. Use it to your advantage. Draw people in to read the post.
This again on your about page need photos – show who you are. Don’t be shy! Have photos on yourself, who is Vanessa? Show us who you are! Your about page mentioned dogs, who are these dogs and can we meet them?
Overall a nice site that need to be filled with colours and photos.
I really love the name of the blog, it’s a clear indication on what the site about. There no mistaking that it is a beauty, fashion lifestyle.
The menu is really nice and clear – I like that you got it on a top header. For me this give the site an uncluttered look.
The header with the slider is really nice, and slow. I personally can’t stand slider that zoomed page before people have a chance to look at it.
The way you (or the theme) have organised the posts on the main part of the site is really nice. I like the zig zag effect and it work well without being messy.
With the footer having an Instagram slider is always a good idea I feel – give people to see more of you and the blog.
I click on to a post and once again it is very nice. Clean and clear sidebar – it isn’t OTT with information. Perhaps say a very short blurb on who you are. Who is Beauty and The Bird? A miming of 20 words without losing the clean and clear factor.
Overall you have a very nice site. I don’t have any grumble.
Let’s do Casual – ok I’m up for that! What is Let’s do Casual about? I feel intrigued to find out more. The name does indeed intrigue me and I want to learn more.
The menu is really nice and clear – I like that you got it on a top header. For me this give the site an uncluttered look. It took me a few second to find your menu bar – maybe somehow make the wording stand out more. Much in the same way the social media button stands out.
Beautiful sidebar of you, for a split second I thought it was the Duchess of Cambridge twin (it the hair I think!). The sidebar is clear and completely uncluttered. A small suggestion is to perhaps say a very short blurb on who you are. A miming of 20 words without losing the look of the sidebar. Not saying who could lose you readers.
The way you have organised the posts on the main part of the site is really nice. A big clear feature image which draw people in to read the post.
Once I do click onto your blog post, the photos stand out. I like that you write a mixture of your native language with English, this is really helpful and I wish more sites does this.
The blog showcases your personality and from reading your about page where you mentioned that you are studying fashion – shows that this primarily a fashion blog.
Overall you have a very nice site. I don’t have any grumble.
This is it for the week, I will do more next Friday. So start submitting your blog now. Here are the rules for your reference.
- You must comment here with your blog name, url (obviously!) and any extra info I might need (such as what it is about, the name and what topics you write).
- Do no spam my comment box trying to get attention, I do look at every single comment that comes through here.
- I will choose a total of 4-5 blogs to review.
- A blog review will be every Friday.
- With my review I will be going through, designs, responsiveness, clarity and relatability. Basically this mean I will look at the design of the blog, is it mobile friendly? Is it clear and does it relate to the blogger’s readers?
- All reviews will be a total of 200-300 words.
- I will be brutally honest here and will tell you how it is. There might be something you don’t like hearing but I will be honest. My only advice is to learn from it and try to take on board what I said.
- You have to be ok with me publishing your blog URL and review on here.
- I will choose blogs randomly and I do not accept bribes.
Well then, what are you waiting for? I look forward to next week seeing all your lovely blogs. Have fun!