So I put this outfit on and the first thing Richard, said to me ”it’s very Grease inspired isn’t it?” Oh my boy is learning and like a proud wife, I did confirmed to him that yes that was my inspiration behind this outfit. And who say men doesn’t know fashion! I did have Grease in mind, well ok I actually had 1950s teens in mind but I was imaging myself to be a pink ladies when I put this outfit together. The past months I’ve been obsessed with bomber jacket and I seriously been trying to find one that would suit me and my retro taste. I’ve seen loads of these jackets in high street shops and when I try them all on they would look very baggy and flimsy on me. However I was in New Look flag street store last week and I notice this one a size down at a 3/4 of the original price. Hello you beautiful bargain – come to mama. Tried it on and it fitted me and didn’t look baggy on me. What a result. Moral of the story, don’t bother to buy at full-price – just wait for the right size to comes down in price. Anyway after I brought it, I thought to myself this would look awesome with my ‘lady bug red and black polka dots‘ skirt. Thus creating this grease retro inspired outfit. I only added the boots with this to add height. I like to think of this as my end of summer outfit, the only problem is – I’m all dressed up but go nowhere to go.