Now, it must be said that the word hiking is not usually on my vocabulary. Let just say I’m not the hiking type; we don’t belong together.
But last week, I was on a mission to be in a field of bluebells and to be surrounded by the call of nature. Well, if I’m honest I was really on a mission to up my Instagram game and to take photos of spring flowers.
Also, it very rare now Richard and I spend any time together. We both been so busy with life and works lately that we just haven’t had quality time together.
So an idea to see bluebells and to spend time with the husband was on the agenda.
We decided to perhaps see some bluebells around Boxhill/Ranmore Common/ Denbies hill. An area in Surrey that is the ultimate place to see bluebells. From Googling, it looks like the best place to see what I was after.
Boxhill/Ranmore Common/ Denbies Hill are all parts of Surrey Hills. I am familiar with the area as I had friends and family who lived around there, so I did use to spend a lot of my time around the Surrey Hills The area is also close to where we got married.
Anyway, so yes that was our destination of choice.
As I was saying earlier, hiking isn’t my usual thing. So I wasn’t really enthusiastic about going on a long walk, but I figure it will get me outside and we can walk at our own pace.
To cut a long story short, we walked and walked, and we did even more walking. Oh, my poor legs, not to mention my hamstring. It is not easy to hike on a steep hillside. When you think you are at the top, there is further to climb.
But the positive is that you do get a spectacular view at the top. The kind of view where you can see for miles and miles, well you usually can on a clear day.
The negative aspect of getting to the top, we didn’t get to see any bluebells – well not a whole field of them. We kind of went the wrong way. The bluebells field was one way, and we went the other way.
After hiking for hours upon hours, we decided to call it a day. My feet were on fire! This is why I’m not the hiking type. I was built to strutting my stuff down Oxford Street, London than walking in the middle of nowhere.
With Richard being a professional photographer, he brought his camera along, and we took photos of our Denbies hike. I thought I would show you what we saw on our Denbies hike. I might have epically failed at my mission to be in a bluebells field, I did, however, get to see the epic view and had an excellent and well-deserved pub lunch at the end.
I might get to see a whole field of bluebells next year, and we won’t get lost this time.