I’m bringing back a little blog tradition, I use to do this all the time back in my livejournal days. Before annanuttall.com and back when I didn’t actually know what to do with my life, I would spend my days endlessly on livejournal and creating silly fan clubs for all the boybands of the time (N*sync anyone?). Yeah I know how to live it up! Anyway livejournal was the tumblr of that era and every Friday bloggers would do a Friday Five, it’s where you answer 5 random questions and anyone is free to do it themselves as long as you leave a link to your blog post in the comments. I don’t see it so much in the blogger-sphere now so I think it high time people start doing it again, what do you think? I think personally it a great way to get to know the person behind the blog a little beter and it always fun to read and to be nosy. So for now on every Friday is now known as ‘Friday Five’.
For Reference I will be using the Friday Five Livejournal. Enjoy!
1. Do you shave every day?
Oh boy, here we go. No I don’t, I trend to shave once a week. Umm is that a bad thing? I suppose in winter it doesn’t really matter but in summer it’s all about showing skin so you tend to shave more often. I don’t know I want laser hair removal treatment.
2. What brands (shampoos, conditioners, soap, etc.) do you use? or do you stick to one certain brand?
For shampoo & Conditioners I’ve been using John Frida Radiant red for my colour hair but I’m not switching over to Toni & Guy Cleanse. I like a mixture and to see how it will work out for me so no I don’t stick to a certain brand. Variety is the spice of life.
3. Do you brush your teeth in the shower?
No but Richard does. Personally when I brush my teeth I tend to walk all over the place and not sitting or standing still.
4. Shower at night or the morning?
It depend in what I’m doing, it also depend on how lazy I am and if I have time to shower and wash/dry my hair. I think in the morning it work best for me – but not before 7pm.
5. Do you listen to the radio while in the shower?
No, I listen to the radio or my ipod in the bath those, does that count?
Feel to answer this yourself and if you participate then please leave a comment on here so I can be really nosy.