I had the pleasure last week visiting the House of Fraser’s high Summer 2014 press day. It was a typical rainy grey cold day so I was in need for some bright summer clothes to cheers me up. Let me tell you now that there is lots of lovely treats coming into stores over the course of the next few months, perfect for us consumers. Here’s a taster off what you can expect:
To start with is the BareMinerals where there is new products coming up such as new Prime Time colours, a rainbow effect lipgloss and etc – looking forward seeing these come on sales in store.
Ok here a small selections of accessories and make-up that will be on offer, perfect for any #bbloggers.
(I’m in love with these cocktails dresses – so pretty!)
The last thing I want to show you is this:
It’s a brand new service to House Of Fraser and one that been requested by customers for a numbers of years. Have you ever had this problem where you go to a wedding, found the perfect outfits but can’t find a hat to match it – well now your problem is solve as you can designed your hat to match your outfit, yes you read that right; simple show the outfit to a specialist and they can work with you to designed that perfect hat. I thought this was a very cool new service to offer and I can see this being really popular. This service will be available in March-April onward so go spread the word.
Overall I’m excited for the summer season and I think House Of Fraser has nailed it perfectly with a stunning collections, all we need now is for it to stop raining.