
Last time I discussed on how to write a blog post, however there was one important factor I kind of missed – content. Ahh yes! There no point of blogging if you don’t actually have content.  You know the thing you actually want to write about or the thing you want people to read. That basically what content is all about – the very ‘it’ – it be the thing you want to write about or for people to read. If you think about it, magazine has content, books has content and so does music and videos – so the same principal applied to blog.

So how do you create and find content for your blog? More often then not it all start with an idea. There are many times, a blog topic idea is right under your nose without out us realizing. Creating blog content doesn’t have to be a difficult job and should never cause any unnecessary stress. If you start recognizing topic opportunities regularly, you’ll never run out of blog post ideas.

So to give you a helping hand, below are some different ways that you can search for and create unique content for your blog. Be sure to keep a notebook handy for the endless amount of topics that are going to start flowing out of your brain!

Look on Disqus & bloglovin

Sign up and in minutes you can find other bloggers who might be feeling the same way as you. It also a good way to see what the latest blogger trends are and to read what other people are writing. I often find that spark inspirations and give me ideas. Also it a nice way to start meeting other bloggers.

Join bloggers communities:  

You will be surprise on how many bloggers communities there are, this is a great way to meet other bloggers, get cool opportunities and also a way for you to ask advice. There always someone who lend you a hand and help you find content for your blog. Here is a list of some communities that I use:

UK Bloggers – Facebook

UK Bloggers Forum 

FBL – Fashion, beauty & lifestyle – Facebook

Blogging – Google+

Blog Community – Google+

Join Twitter Chats: 

Throughout the week at different times there is always Twitter blogger chats, it’s another way to meet other bloggers, get cool opportunities and also a way for you to ask advice. Often they are all linked together with specific hashtag. Beckybedbug & Xomissie  have done a complete week calendar, it a lot more comprehensive then anything I could have done.

Go shopping: 

I often find just going out and looking around shop often give me idea, popping into Boots and seeing all the beauty products does spark inspiration – those the only thing is that it not so healthy for my purse! Go shopping with your mates and they might give you an idea, even take a photo on your phone when in the dressing room at a clothes shop and that might help you.

Ask for guest posters

Accepting posts from other people is a fun way that you can fill your site up with useful content. You can email bloggers individually to see if they might be interested in contributing to your blog, or set up a page that explains your guest posting requirements.

I hope this post has helped you, If you got any suggestion then please leave a comment down below.



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