There is nothing more annoying when you find that perfect dress on eBay and your internet cut out. And you ended up missing out. Here is the importance of fast internet when shopping online.
Been there, done that and quite frankly have brought the t-shirt. Been searching on eBay for that one perfect dress, finally seen one in your size. You got to bid and pray to god that no one will outbid you and then disaster happens – the internet cut out. Dead in the water. Nothing.
This has happened a few time if I’m honest as the internet where I live is rubbish. Like properly rubbish and often feel like I’ve gone back in time to dial-up. Often when starting up I have to refresh my browser for 10 minutes for something to work. It a nightmare and one I keep complaining about over and over again to my phone company and building management.
I have often thought about changing to Talk Talk Business as I have heard tons of positive feedback from people I know. I do believe changing my phone line might indeed be very beneficial and I can finally do online shopping without any issue.
Faster internet does also mean I can talk to people overseas easily without worrying about buffering. I also can do my online shopping without the need of queuing for ages at my local supermarket. During the Christmas months I can buy my friends present on Amazon without worrying if it be out of stocks in high-street stores. I’m one of those people who relies on faster internet connect so I can run my business in the comfort of my own home.
Overall fast internet has changed our lives – for the better. We now can do things faster and have knowledge more open and accessible than ever before. And yes that does include shopping online and buying that perfect dress on eBay.
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