It sounds pretty dramatic proclaiming blogging is over. But to be honest, I don’t believe it is and here’s why.
Following on from my poll yesterday, now I’m asking if anyone still reads blogs? Are bloggers still a thing? Or is it all Instagram? #ukbloggers #lbloggers #lifestylebloggers #ukinfluencer
— Anna Nuttall (@AnnaNuttall) July 25, 2021
A little while ago, I conducted a poll on my Twitter on whether people still read blogs, and the answer was resounding yes, which surprised me. It surprised me for one simple reason, I thought people preferred Instagram to blogs, but my assumption was wrong.
Over 80% said yes, and there was 0% on no, and when you have a figure like that, well, you can’t help but feel like ok, yeah maybe Instagram isn’t king after all, and people still prefer having something to read.
That is what blog boils down to, after all – contents so people can read and us bloggers, not only having the tools to write a blog post but our writing being read by people who are genuinely interested and invested in what you have to say.
So no, therefore, I don’t think blogging is over as there will always be people who don’t want to consume imaginarily and prefer old-fashioned texts instead.
But why are there fewer bloggers than there was, perhaps a year ago, if people prefer reading blogs? As bloggers/influencers had to adapt to a growing environment where you need to stay up to date on the latest trends, people have moved away from blogging and instead gotten into whatever the hottest thing right now, such as Instagram or Titoki.
But a few of us, such as me, is a little old fashioned and prefer to keep simple writing a blog post. I can’t speak for other people, but I express myself better by writing and feel fortunate to spend my days writing away.
I often compare blogs to magazines, and while magazines are diminishing, some people still like to flick through the pages of a magazine; this is no different from blogs. I feel as people still enjoy browsing their favourite blogs and reading a simple piece of text.
Overall, what I’m saying is, blogging is not over, and I don’t feel it will disappear anytime soon. While people might prefer the latest trend, there are still a few of us who enjoy writing blog posts because they are still readers who like to read them.