I’m sure you have noticed the lack of fashion on here over the past year. Let me tell you if you haven’t seen, I have sure enough noticed. I mean, it has been bluntly apparent to me over the past year.
Which is I’m honest, makes me a little sad. And, I’m sure you are wondering whether I still like fashion or, perhaps what is going on?
If I could find myself a life-size black marker and have the ability to scrub out 2019 – trust me I would. It would be a big black hole on my calendar, and it would be erased from my memories, and this whole year will be classed as a missing empty time-lapse that need to be forgotten.
You get the picture, 2019 (and yes, I know it still November but the year is nearly over) has sucked.
It sucks for reasons I won’t go into, but it has sucked big time.
And because it has sucked, I just haven’t been in a fashion mood. Which, I’m sure you can understand. But it isn’t just that 2019 has sucked, it’s also lots of different reason.
Well for a starter there been my weight. My weight infatuates so much, and it goes up and down more time than a yo-yo. Earlier this year, I was the heaviest ever, and I just didn’t feel good about myself. However, it did force me to look at my diet (which wasn’t that bad, I really like chocolate) and made me signed up to Weight Watchers. Which I must say have been fantastic as I have now lost nearly a stone in weight. Round of applause please, thank you very much.
As I have this battled with my weight, I couldn’t think about fashion, which is unusual as I’m a shopaholic and fashion shopping is my Olympic sport. I didn’t want to dress up, and all I wanted to do Is dress down. Became really self-conscious about what I was wearing. I would use my handbag as a shield to hide the flab. I never talked about body confidence on here – because I have none. So I don’t think I’m the right person to talk about it.
Basically, my weight has been an issue with me this year.
Also, I have run out of room to store new clothes. I’m not even kidding. My wardrobe is on the verge of full capacity, and I have more clothes than sense. So buying new clothes and then showing it off on here have been out of the question.
Before you ask, yes, I’m going to do a clear out to make room – but I kind-of want to get to my goal weight first before starting a big sort-out.
I don’t know about you, but there has been nothing in high street fashion stores that have caught my eyes this year. Nothing has grabbed me. When I look both online and in-store, I find myself not wanting anything. Which for a shopaholic as myself, it kind of a strange thing to describe.
I feel I should say that I still look at trends, and I now use Pinterest as my fashion search engine. I also always read the Vogue website and fashion blogs. But this issue has just been me and how I have been feeling this year.
I’m hoping that this lack of fashion contents on here is a temporary thing and in 2020 I will start to feel better. I’m just hoping 2020 will be a better year overall. But I have missed writing about fashion and showing you the latest trends or news-worthy stories. Give me the time I will get back into it again.