I must introduce you to Lighthouse Clothing as it a brand I have recently discovered and think they are amazing. Well when their motto is ‘Live Simple, Live Happy’, how could I not love them.
Lighthouse Clothing is primarily an outdoor fashion brand where they aim to make you look warm and cosy whatever the weather, as well as making you always look stylish.
Recently I have been favouring fashion brands that cater more to the outdoor. I say this as I want to spend more time outdoors and in the fresh air.
I know, I’m as shocked as you with this strange statement. Me, the girl who hates being cold and would rather stay indoor than going to a summer BBQ. Someone who hates hiking and instead take the car. And more than anything, someone who hate insects and getting dirty.
Yes, I know it all very strange, and maybe as I get older, I’m getting a whole new personality and discover that I am an outdoor girl.
The thing is, I do find myself daydreaming about actually going on a long hike somewhere wild and untamed, perhaps getting a log cabin with a roaring fire and be nowhere near civilization.
Off course I can daydream about this as I live in a busy metropolis and all I hear all day long are traffic and general street noise. Sometimes all I want is peace and quiet, a tranquillity you can’t get in a busy, crowded town.
Don’t be surprised if you see me on ‘Escape to the Country’ in the coming year. God! I am getting old just saying that.
Anyway, the point I was making is that Lighthouse Clothing primarily caters to people who do enjoy the outdoors.
If you are that person, then you will love this brand mainly, if you like to add colours to your outdoor outfit.
I said this before, but I’m someone who doesn’t do dull, boring colours – the darker the weather, the more colour I will wear. You think I’m joking. I’m not. Seriously stand at a train station, and there be a sea of black or grey coats – and then there be me in standing out from the crowds in a bright pink coat.
Having a colourful wardrobe brighten up your mood, and if you feel good, it can influence your environments.
If you like a colourful wardrobe as much me, then Lighthouse Clothing has plenty of colours to choose from, especially with their raincoats.
The brand recently got in touch and asked if I would like to be gifted some of their amazing range. Off course I said yes, especially if I’m going to be an outdoor girl.
It also gave me a great excuse to finally do an outfit post that I keep promising. I’m hoping this will be the first of many outfits posts this year – I need to get back into the fashion-blogging game.
Lighthouse Clothing very kindly gifted three items which in my view complemented my winter wardrobe perfectly.
They were:
Causeway Breton Top – Cloud Midnight Stripe
Cross Over Bag – Night Sky Floral
To conclude, if you find yourself wanting to spend more time outdoors this year and need a choice of clothes that will match your colours need, then Lighthouse Clothing is for you. A fashion brand that lives up to its motto as it does make you live simple and happy.

(A gifted collaboration from Lighthouse Clothing.)
Photographer: Richard Nuttall