This is a blog post I have been writing on and off for the past 2 week, so please be kind and read the whole thing before commenting. I’m hoping in some small way this will not only help me but for you guys as well.
Living with anxiety is a totally different side to me that you guys don’t see, you see me on camera on my youtube channel, being smiley and happy or on here smiley and talking positive. What you don’t see is me anxious for the large part of my week, If you meet me I’m usually a little bit shy but generally a bubbly happy person, but like all human-being I have my own ups and downs. The reason this came up was recently I been having massive anxiety/panic attack on a all most weekly (sometime daily) basis, the last big one I had was a work where I was just didn’t know what too do with myself but cry. Here’s a quick fact for for you 1 in 4 people suffer with some kind of anxiety and depression in their lifetime.
Here is an illustration on the circle on how I feel:
I won’t be going into the deep depths of my personal issue and why I have anxiety, this blog post was purely to say that if you are suffering from anxiety and feel alone with your problems – then you really are not! I will say this that I have notice having anxiety from a young age, my mum was convinced I had Agoraphobia (the fear of going outside) while growing up and often even now I have Agyrophobia (fear off crossing the roads, it sound silly but I won’t cross till I see a green man). They became more pronounce as I got older, especially when I went to uni, that involved me just crying my eyes for the large part of 3 years but I won’t go into details.
When I’m actually having a big anxiety, I find the only things that really calm me down is too talking to someone and that someone is my husband, but goes to a friend, a family member and or go for a quiet walk somewhere (safe off course). When dealing with anxiety you have adrenaline and you generally feel pumped so exercising is great way to calm you down. Remember to do slow, deep breathing and that will bring your heart-beat down gradually.
I’m going to finish here but I want to say that you are not alone, anxiety are more common then you think, and although they can be really bad they won’t harm you, and if you feel harm in anyway then please called someone professional for your own sake.
I know I haven’t covered everything, this was only a basic post to highlight my own problems and to make people more aware of my anxiety. If you want too talk to someone then please feel free to email me as two head is better then one, I think; My email box/twitter is always opened for business.