Some girls dream of having a cupboard filled with beauty products galore, well for me that is a reality. Here is my beauty cupboard.
As I said earlier this week, I showed you my shopaholic wardrobe so it only right I have a wardrobe converted into my beauty cupboard.
I did use to have a dressing table for my beauty products, but I soon ran out of space. Take a deep breath So much so that everything and I means everything soon went on the floor.
Yeah, not the tidiest of rooms is it? Not great if that kind of things makes you nervous. But for a long time, I just didn’t know what to do storage.
When I wrote about two years ago about wanting to do something about my office, well that how long it has taken me to do anything about it. Why did it get into the state that it did and took me so long to sort it out? Well…
Let me start off with obvious, I’m a beauty hoarder. There I said it. I don’t mean to hoard beauty products but somehow every year I accumulate more beauty products then I did a year ago.
A lot of my beauty products are from freebies I have received from various events and trade shows, and often me using my Boots (drugstore) cards to buy loads of beauty products cheaply. Yeah, I can often be found hovering around the skincare/spa products aisle at Boots, not quite deciding what to buy.
Before anyone asks, I do regularly go through my beauty products hoard and throw away old products or send off to charity, I don’t keep it for the sake of keeping it. Well, that my good deed out of the way.
Anyway, as I was saying, messy office/dressing room. We needed storage and lots of it. But there was a catch, we only had a small space to work with. And as it turned out, that small space soon causes some issues.
It became clear to us that having a dressing table for my beauty products just wasn’t working. Not if everything was on the floor.
My idea was to put up shelves and perhaps a wall cardboard. But we soon scrapped that idea as the wall itself is only made from plasterboard. Meaning that if you screwed any shelves there a chance we create a big hole. So overall not a good idea.
Then we sort off had a light bulb moment and thought about installing Ikea Pax wardrobe. If you haven’t seen Ikea Pax wardrobe before, then here are some examples.
But they are expensive, so we waited and waited and did a more waiting. We wanted to save up and then start thinking about them.
By that point my storage situation was getting out of hand, so we thought one-day ‘fudge it’ and just buy some cheap wardrobe and convert it into a cupboard.
So for Christmas last year, as a present to me; he brought some wardrobe. Some will argue not the most romantic gesture – but I like to think it was very thoughtful.
The wardrobe themselves are nothing to write about really, from Homebase and they were cheap and what we were looking for. But it what inside that really counts.
I was able to put a lot of my beauty products and other random items into small wicker baskets. That obviously helped me get a little bit organized. Slowly and surely, I was able to sort out my beauty products and create some kind of system.
Let me show you in more details my beauty cupboard.
Top Shelves:
This is where I keep my jewellery boxes and other little accessories. I also keep my polka dots boxes that have a lot of little random items in. I also have one big box where I keep smaller boxes of beauty products (leftover boxes from when I use to subscribe to Glossybox, I kept them as I found them useful).
Second Shelves:
3 wicker boxes. The one on the left (the first one) has all my Rituals products in, left over from the Rituals Advent Calendar. The middle one has an assortment of beauty products I still need to use. The right one is another assortment of products and one I still need to try out.
Third Shelves:
Bit of a jumbled mess, but the first one on the left is for all my winter wears. So hats, gloves, scarf – that sort of things. The middle orange bag is only there a temporary thing, me clearing out loads of my old DVDs and taking them to a special shop, but till I do I’m just storing them there for now. And the last one on the right is more products I still need to try out.
Last Shelves:
The blue box is filled with a few beauty products, but mostly books and magazines. And finally, the last wicker box has a few USB cables and wires you need for all your electronic devices.
And of course, there Eeyore sitting at the top, guarding it.
Now that was cupboard number 1, let me show you cupboard number 2. This time all my items are in purple boxes which I can just pull out.
These purple boxes are mainly filled with more books and magazines. And also somewhere I can put all my camera kit in and anything extra I might need. I also keep some blogging props and business paperworks.
As you can see, I’m now all organized. The next part is now sorting out the rest of my office. Which I will show you at a later date as it looking a little bare right now, need to buy some décor for it.
I still kept my dressing table, that now works as a desk for my laptop and a place to keep my camera and candles on.
Overall that was my beauty cupboard A perfect place for a beauty hoarder such as myself. Well, at least I don’t need to stock up anytime. I’m good for beauty products all through 2018.