I had few people asking about my camera kit and what I use. So today I’m going to explain to you about my camera kit.
Now before we begin, I’m not a pro-photographer here. I’m still very much learning and getting to grip with photography. Luckily I had a very good teacher, my husband Richard Nuttall who is a pro professional photographer. So If I explain something and you don’t quite understand, feel free to ask – and I go ask him for the answer.
Anyway, my camera kit. Been building up a camera kit since I went self-employed. For a long time, I had a Canon power shot compact camera as my only camera, I then upgraded to Canon 400d. Then went self-employed and decided to upgrade again to Canon 600d, and it still the camera I use today. However lately I have been testing and playing around on full-frame camera a Canon 5d Mark II.
What the different between Canon 600d and a full frame camera like the Canon 5d Mark II? There isn’t much difference between a Canon 600d and a full-frame Canon 5d Mark II camera, except the latter, has a bigger sensor and viewfinder; hence can fit more things with a single frame.
Anyway so currently my two camera is the Canon 600d and 5d Mark II. Let me show you the rest of my kit.
I currently have 5 lens which I use. They are:
18-55 mm lens
18- 55 mm lens with image stabilizer
Macro lens
50 mm (f1.8)
75 – 300 mm lens (which I forgot to photograph – whoops!)
Let me talk you all these lenses.
The two 18-55mm lens, while one has image stabilizer on and one doesn’t. The image stabilizer lens stops blurring jerky photos. The image stabilizer lens is my main lens and the one I use the most.
A macro lens is a lens that let you take really close up photos. And I mean really close up photos. Like this:
50mm (f1.8) is a recent lens as Richard brought me this for my birthday. The idea is that this lens focuses on the foreground of an image and will blur out the background. For technical photography gorgons, this means it has a shallow depth of field which lets you blurred out the background.
75-300 mm is basically a long view lens and let you take wider photos. This is good if you want to take a big picture and want to fit everything in. Handy if you want to take a photo of your surrounding area without craning your neck to get it in.
Just very quickly, the various number of mms like 18-55 mm or the 75-300 mm relates to how much you can view and how much depth of field the lens has.
That my lens, let me talk to you about my light. This light is very powerful and can be very blinding bright. I actually bought this light in a DIY store and thought it would be useful for my photography at night. I use this for night time photography when I don’t have much natural light. If you looked at all my Halloween special photos, even though I made it black and white and grainy you can see I put a shadow in my photos. I used the light to help me.
I also have a macro lens cap, a little thing you can add on any lens and make it macro. Well that the idea but I’ve found it only good on my 18-55 mm image stabilizer lens. And doesn’t work quite as well as the actual macro lens. But its still fun to add and to play around with.
Also, another fun thing to play around is my three coated filter set. This is an ultraviolet filter, a polarizer filter and the last one is a fluorescent filter. Not really necessary for the newer camera but I still keep this in my camera kit.
The last thing is the Canon 5d mark II, my flash card reader USB. This is so I can transfer my photos onto my computer.I do also have a tripod and a remote shutter control. But that it for my camera kit.
That is my camera kit. One more thing I feel I should mention is – Adobe Photoshop which I use for image editing. I recently made the jump from using jpg to raw files, so I would be lost without Photoshop.
The difference between raw files and jpg just means how the image is processed and compressed on the camera. You have more freedom with raw files then jpg.
I hope this has helped you and if you are serious with photography it worthwhile building up a camera kit.
![signature signature](https://www.annanuttall.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/Anna-Nuttall-signature.png)