I have meant to show you this polka dots DNKY dress for a while – but other things in my life keep getting in the way. So, I’m finally going to sit down and show you my polka dots DNKY dress.

These photos were from a couple of weeks ago when we had the week of the unbearable heatwave. God! I felt like I was going to turn into a melted puddle as my brain latterly turned to mashed, and all I wanted to do is have a continuation of cold showers and iced drinks. I’m sure you are well aware I don’t do well in the heat.
Anyway, at the start of the heatwave, we decided to go out for a little walk around London. I always felt lucky to live a short distance to the centre of London, the real beating heart of the city. I love the buzz and the excitement of it all, so obviously when we decide to go out for a walk – central London is usually my first choice.
However, saying all that. Since the pandemic started, I have been keeping clear of central London. I will admit I was taken in by the scaremongering from the media.
But that was a couple of months ago when the pandemic was at it highest and with spikes now slowly coming down, and I figure what the hell, I’m still nervous travelling on the underground so being above ground I felt I would be safer and it was just a walk. London is so big, it easy to space out from people.
The purpose of the walk wasn’t just to get out of the house and to explore London – it was to show you this polka dots DKNY dress. A dress which I consider to be the bargain of the century.
It was initially retailed as $145, but I brought it from TK Maxx as £10. Was that a bargain or what?! I love when this happens, getting clothes cheaper than it was initially sold as.
I’m also dead chuffed with this polka dots DKNY dress, especially as I don’t own a polka dots dress, so this was amazing to add to my colossal dress collection.
I don’t have much more to add as I just wanted to show you this dress. It was fun exploring London, and it makes me realise that I have nothing to fear and should always embrace my London root.

DKNY dress

polka dots DKNY dress

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. Stay tuned for more updates!