Back in my 20s, I suffered terrible rosacea while also having huge problems with dry skin. On top of that, I had adult acne, which was just awful. So yeah, that why there aren’t many pictures of me in my 20s as I looked like a human connect the dots.
Anyway, during that time, I, of course, saw a dermatologist who helped my skin. But it was a nurse or an assistant which gave me advice on using Origins as part of skin routine. Especially their Mega-Mushroom serum. So I thought, yeah not what the harm.
I have to say it was the best serum I have ever used. It dramatically improved my skin and helped keep my skin issue under control.
Anyway, what I’m saying is I love Origins skin products and already know from firsthand experience that I know they will work by improving my skin.
What brings to me to this Origins Three Part Harmony Serum, a little something, I picked up while in Sephora Paris earlier this year.
This serum promises to renewal, repair and radiance skin while also creating more youthful look appearances. Where fine, dry lines are softened, and skin feels soft to touch.
I tried out the Origins Three Part Harmony Serum recently, and I thought I would tell you how I got on.
The trick with this serum is to use it am and pm. So, I tend to use this first thing in the morning and half an hour before bed. Now I must confess that I don’t have much of a skincare routine. I did when my skin was problematic, but as I got older, my skin has cleared up, and I don’t have any issue with it anymore. I do when it comes to that time of the month use a facial wash and try to keep hormones spots at bay.
So at the moment, this serum is mainly my overall skin care routine. I think the best way to show you how I got on with the Origins Three Part Harmony Serum is by showing you the before and after picture.
Ok, the before picture is me right after a shower, and the after photo is me doing a selfie on my phone. But hopefully, you get the gist.
Admittedly I didn’t have any skin issue that I need to worry about. I have the usual fine lines, which were something I could do without, but my skin was clean and bright.
However, after using the Origins Three Part Harmony serum, I did notice some subtle changed to those fine lines, and my skin feels more clean and clear than before. Now the most noticeably changed I saw was on my forehead as those fines lines seem to even itself out and aren’t so noticeable. I also felt the serum made my skin glow or at least made it look healthy and radiant.
Overall, once again, Origins didn’t disappoint, and I look forward to trying out other Origins skincare products. If you’re looking for a good skincare serum that helps those annoying fine lines while also wanting that can make your skin feel radiant, then I highly recommend Origins Three Part Harmony Serum.
I will say this serum is available on their website, while also you can buy it in John Lewis.(*)
(*)Affiliate link