I cam across this while browsing the web for blogging inspirations (even at the best of time I do get blogger blocks) and found this little gem. Ok hand up (and be let’s be honest here), who here love colouring in books and crayons? Me – yes I put my hand up as well. It seem no matter what your age is – you never ever grow out of colouring book and crayons (even when you’re in your 30s). Who can blame you? Life is stressful enough so a few minutes colouring in something is a very good reason to keep doing it even as you get older.
So having said that, you will love this brilliant concept: this is an unique ‘colour-in dress’, that was created by fashion designer Berber Soepboer and graphic designer Michiel Schuurman, it comes with a variety of pens and allows women to create their own design – by colouring it in themselves. So quintessentially it a colouring in type dress.
Prepare to scream as I surely can’t alone by thinking that this is a very cool idea. But it doesn’t come cheap. The dress itself come in four sizes and are sold for around £250 and each dress comes with a set of textile markers to colour in the fabric.
The dress are available online at www.michielschuurman.nl.
So will you be brushing up on your colouring for this? I think it’s a worthwhile investment and it’s a brilliant idea for a gift.
What do you think of this?