Let me start off by saying that I do love my chocolate , who doesn’t? I’ve mentioned this before but I’m a chocoholic. If there was a competition for who is the biggest chocoholic eater with everyone in the entire world, yes 9 billion people I would win it hand down. I’d be crowned the biggest chocoholic eater. If alien visited earth and they asked who is the biggest chocoholic (cause they totally know what chocolate is, they have it on their home planet) everyone would point to me.
I buy it when I’m out shopping to past the time, I ask my husband to pick up a bar of chocolate on his way home and in winter I drink nothing but hot chocolate. I once had spa treatment where it was a full body chocolate wrap massage just so I can have some chocolate. Yes I’m obsessed!!
So when I decided to get shredded last month, the first thing I thought off was controlling the amount of chocolate I would eat, I wouldn’t go OTT and banned it all together – but just ease up on it. Which mean have a chocolate bar a day and changing from drinking hot chocolate to drinking tea instead. Little changes can still satisfied my craving.
With that in mind, I was on the hunt for a low-calorie chocolate mousse recipe. Cause I still love eating a sweet chocolate dessert after a meal, who doesn’t? And I found this little recipe which still allows me to have a chocolate dessert without all the high fat calorie content.
It a really simple recipe and extremely tasty – here what to do:
100g pot of quark skimmed milk soft cheese
400g pot fat-free natural fromage frais
1 tbsp artificial sweetener
1 sachet Cadbury Highlights
Ground cinnamon and cinnamon sticks to decorate (optional)
Place the quark in a bowl with 400g fromage frais, the sweetener and Cadbury Highlights. Mix well, divide between four glasses and chill until needed.
Top each mousse with a spoonful of fromage frais and a dusting of ground cinnamon. Serve decorated with cinnamon sticks if you like.
Tip: This recipe is not suitable for home freezing. Also for mixing it might be a good idea to use a blender or an electric whisk.
Let me know if you will be making this, I would love to hear some feedback. Remember a moment on the lips, forever on the hips.