The other day, a thought occurred to me; you know where I haven’t shopped for a while: Lush. So, this me rediscovering my love for Lush Cosmetic.
How the hell did Lush slip my mind; I mean, once upon a time, I was a self-proclaimed Lush-acholic. You think I’m joking, but there was a point where I would spend a small fortune in their shop. To be blunt, I adored Lush.
But then, I forgot about them. It was like somehow, they just slipped my mind, like I was put under some hypnotism where I was told, ‘Anna, you spend too much money, you must forget about Lush’.
Ok, maybe not, but I think the reason why I have forgotten my beloved shop is that I don’t do high-street shopping anymore. Lush is a staple of high street shopping, and you can’t go to a shopping mall and not go into a Lush store. But I don’t do that anymore, go shopping in a mall or browse along a high street; I do all my shopping online.
This is especially true due to Covid, where the whole country was in lockdown, and you couldn’t go shopping outside. You could only go shopping within the comfort of your home.
True, Covid pushed me more to online shopping, but I think even before then, I just fell out of love with high street shopping.
And this is my theory as to why Lush just kind of slipped my mind. When you are online shopping, you tend to have a favourite which you go back to times and times again and tend to ignore anything else.
Anyway, so Lush slipped my mind and just last week, I was taking a rare high street outing and just happened to pass a Lush store.
It was like greeting an old friend. It felt like laying in a candy floss bubble bath. Seriously, it was such a comforting feeling to go back into a Lush store, especially as the staffs were all their usual friendly, happy self which always makes me smile.
I didn’t want to re-connect an old favourite store, but also favourite cosmetic products. I wanted to reuse products that I used before, and I know they work like a charm. For example, the product, Sleepy (which I have reviewed here before), is amazing to use to help you get to sleep and wake up with soft skin. There is also Dream Cream and the conditioner, American Cream. All past favourite and just something I had to restoke.
Lush, I will make you a promise, I will never ever forget about you again, and you will always be a firm favourite of mine. It has been amazing rediscovering my love for Lush.
I have done a mini haul on my Instagram of what I brought in Lush.