Hello and welcome to my Nostalgic Series, It’s a weekly series that will focus on the bygone era. The era of all things we consider vintage and old. This will look at the era between 1900-1980′s, the things we can look back on with sentimental value and wonder where the good old day gone too.
I will be doing shopping pages, features and I also will be using my youtube channel to do some tutorials and interviews videos. I’ll be featuring vintage collectors from all walk of life, I also be running fun competitions and games for you to get involved.
If you would like to get involved if you have an online vintage shop on Etsy or Ebay or know someone who will love too get involved then please feel free to email: annalisa.nuttall@gmail.com. I say more the merrier.
Here’s some early retro advertisements asking women to put on some weight, that being skinny is wrong. It was perceived at that time being skinny was seen to be ‘lower class’, if you had good enough of fat on you then you was from a well-fed rich higher class family. A little backward in this modern world don’t you think? It’s a hard concept to gasp when now food is openly available and with many people now to be consider obese but that was the view in that time period. These advertisements do date back as far as 1900s and was published in newspapers and magazine right up to 1980s, it was a way to shame women who didn’t have the curve or the buxom cleavages.
Originally posted on the Dailymail Online.
Tells me your views on these and if you think they are right in encouraging women to put on weight.