I have tried writing this for the past week. My brain is just all over the place. I would open Word only to close it again; I would open it and leave it just sitting on my desktop empty, only for me to close it again in the evening. I would say to myself; I do it after lunch, dinner, breakfast. Or maybe after shopping, housework, after my Netflix series. I think you get the pictures.
Overall my brain is just scattered and all over the place. As soon as I focus on something, I seem not to want to hold on tight, and I just let go.
As I eluded in the past, especially a few months ago – right before my break, that something happens to me: nothing drastic, or nothing to worry about. Don’t worry I didn’t murder anyone or did something terrible like robbing a bank.
It was a deeply personal thing. Something that knocked my confidence and me as a person into oblivion. My confidence and everything that makes me – me, melted into a puddle.
Can’t say what happened as it something I’m dealing with and working my way past it. But behind the scene, there were lots of tears, lots of emotions and of course, lots of chocolate.
Time is a fantastic healer, and I’m just getting to that point where I’m starting to feel like my old self again.
Going to Center Parcs Woburn did help, especially their amazing spa as it the perfect place to relax, chill and refresh yourself.
I think people forget that I’m just me — a 4ft10 overweight woman who has feeling and is deeply sensitive. I do get affected by my crazy hormones, and I do break really easily.
For me, my brain wasn’t in the right place, and I need to take a break from blogging and also sort out my fricking life. I did intend to carry on blogging over on my Instagram – but then disaster happens. My camera broke.
Yes, rest in peace Canon 600d. So any pictures at the moment are taken on my phone which kind of sucks. I’m trying to save up to buy a new camera.
I’m not sure how often I will blog. I want only to blog when I have something to show you. I recently got myself an air fryer, so I’m anxious to show what recipes I’ve been making.
As I said, I’m sorting out my fricking life at the moment, and I’m also really dull. Not really gone or done anything. What a great blogger I am!
But the main reason why I’m here to today, to say hello and yes, the crazy Anna Nuttall is still here. Also, before I forget to mention, Richard and I are fine – we just plodding along like always. So that part of my life is ok. Everything else isn’t –but it getting better.
I’m going to leave you with photos while we were at Center Parcs Woburn, where we decided to hire a rowing boat and went for a little rowing session on the lake.
One bit of good news before I go – I lost over 9llbs. Oh yeah. How I did it, I will leave for another time. So stay tuned.