I’m all about doing things rather spontaneous at the moment. First I booked a trip Oxford on my own. Now I coloured my hair using the Schwarzkopf U69 Chrome Intense Colour.
Now the thing is, I hate the colour of my natural hair colour. Always have – always will. It a really dull boring shade of brown that just doesn’t suit me at all. Seriously it just urgh. So from the age of 16 (that was the age when I was finally allowed to colour my hair!) to about now, I have been changing my hair colour to every shade of the rainbow.
I learnt early on that going lighter and having a tint of red suited me the best with my pale complexion. So I always gone for red colour. The shade gives me a warmth and a certain vibrancy I’m desperately been looking for. I also at one stage wanted to be like ginger/Geri spice and I would drive myself – and my poor mum crazy with my red hair obsession.
Anyway as I got older, I’m still crazy for red hair. But I’m also crazy for purple. If you didn’t know, purple is my favorite colour and I want everything purple – including my hair. But If I’m honest, I’m also crazy for pink, blue and black hair.
This what made me pick up very spontaneously this Schwarzkopf U69 Chrome Intense Colour. I had no plan to colour my hair that day, but I was in Boots and I thought to myself – why not give it a go. If I’m honest, I don’t have a plan at all when it comes to colouring and like to leave it rather spontaneous. I just go with the flow and do what I feel like on the day. If I see a shade I like, I just run with it.
Let me tell you a little about the Schwarzkopf U69 Chrome Intense Colour:
Discover maximum colour depth with cool tones, metallic shine and an anti-fade effect. The Metallic Shine Booster, with Coconut Oil, leaves hair gorgeously glossy for a cool metallic finish. For healthy-looking, touchably soft hair. Available in a variety of unique, head-turning shades, find the ones that perfectly fits your style.
Sound amazing doesn’t it, so how did I get on?
Let do a before & after:
Quite a striking contrast, don’t you think so? Yes, I did coloured my hair before using this, but it was on pre highlighted blonde/brown that started to fade. So there no way of knowing what it would looked on my natural hair colour. But none the less, you are now able to spot me miles away (which is a bonus as I’m always getting lost in a crowd) with this hair colour.
The dyed itself was quite easy to use. It had the normal strong smell that all hair dyed smell like, but I didn’t really notice it. Simple apply on hair, wait 30 mins, wash it out till water run clear and then use the colour treatment conditioner; and then styled as normal.
I did find it a little messy to use, and yes I did stain my forehead a little. Don’t be a doughnut like me and forget to Vaseline the base of your hair before starting the dyed. My advice would also be cover your bathroom in old towels and wear an old-t-shirt, something you don’t care that get ruined. Also bring in your phone or anything else you can occupy yourself for 30 minutes while the colour settle.
I was pleasantly surprised how you could smell coconut on the hair treatment conditioner. Well ok, it was made with coconut oil, so I shouldn’t have been that surprised. Well I must say, the hair treatment conditioner certainly made my hair super soft and shiny. Very shiny. I mean you will spot me from the moon as it that bright.
Now if I’m honest, that one box wasn’t enough for my hair. I know I know I should have checked – but I made a rough guess and thought it might be enough. It wasn’t, so the result of that is I missed some section of my hair. But looking on the bright side, I now have this lovely ombre effect to my hair. It also only on the underside of the hair that I missed. It not noticeable.
Seriously I cannot get over how bright, vibrant my hair is. The package does say, ‘built in metallic shine booster’, but I thought that was just a marketing ploy to reel sucker like me in. But yeah you can defiantly tell it has built in metallic shine.
It doesn’t show it so much in photos, but this colour is vibrant. This is the brightest shade of purple I’ve seen on any hair dyed. I mean, normally I would see either a lilac pale colour – or a very dark vampy colour. This seem to be smack bang in the middle of the shade. I really wasn’t expecting it to be so vibrant. But I’m not complaining.
Overall I must say I highly recommend Schwarzkopf U69 Chrome Intense Colour. Especially if you are after a vibrant shade to your hair. I had no reaction to the formula (however, if I was you – still do a skin test before using it) and it had made my hair super soft and very very shiny.
Go on try Schwarzkopf U69 Chrome Intense Colour today.