For my birthday a couple months ago I was given a spa voucher from Groupon. It was a Spa Day At Andaz London with a massage and a glass of bubbly.
Now if you know me and I also know I said this a hundreds time on here before – I am a spaaholic. I just love my spa day.
I seriously could have a spa day every day of the week – well if I have the funds and time for it I would. ‘Cause let be honest here, spa day is expensive! However, I love them due to the fact I can completely relax and feel revitalize afterword. It help with my dry skin issue and just make my body feel so soft after any treatment. So as you can imagine I was super excited to for this Spa Day At Andaz London.
It a hotel based on Liverpool Street London, you come out on Liverpool street tube station and the hotel is straight in front of you. So you can’t miss it! Once you go into the hotel, take the stairs down and the spa is right at the bottom. It also where the hotel gym is and the steam room.
I arrived really early so I had to sit around while the therapist got the treatment room ready. After waiting I was told to wear a robe and to lie down onto the bed. Thus beginning my spa day treatment. I opted for a facial and an upper body and feet massage. I was tired that day so I lied down on the bed and just let my body float away.
The therapist use various creams and oils which smelt amazing! I meant to ask her what one cream was as I could smell cucumber and seaweed together but I forgot. As the weather have only just turned cold, it hasn’t affected my skin just yet. Which the cold weather usually does so my face hasn’t completed dried out. However the therapist did mention she could see signs of dryness on my face so she had to use a face mask which will work deep into the skin layer.
After an hour she told me the treatment have finish and I decided to use the steam room. As it help unblock dirty greased up pores and now would be the best time. So I got into the changing room and stepped into the steam room. Not a massive fan of steam room but I do like the benefit of it. I was in there 10-15 mins.
Overall I enjoyed my experience. My skin felt amazing and super soft. God I wish I can think of more adjective to use rather then just ‘amazing’ and ‘super soft’. But you get the picture. If you want a spa day in London then I do recommend Andaz Hotel on Liverpool street. I enjoyed myself and I’m now thinking of my next spa day.