Have you ever wondered what happens behind the scenes of this blog? So here the essential blogging tasks.
My families are still in the frame of mind about having a ‘traditional employment’. No matter how many times I explain to them why my blog is a 24/7 ongoing thing, they still don’t get it. So I decided to walk you through my daily blogging routine and hopefully my family or anyone who is thinking about blogging full-time will get a better understanding about why just publishing one blog post a day just isn’t enough.
It literally the very first thing I think about when I wake up – checking email. How sad! It also doesn’t help having my phone next to my bed. I usually spend my day deleting spam, responding to requests, sending requests to people and just generally organise emails into folders. I will say , sometime my inbox can be a scary place and sometime when you finish one lots of emails – a whole loads more comes in. Often a never-ending tasks if you ask me.
Social Media Promo
I have a very handy plugin that once I pressed ‘publish’ it automatically goes to all my social media pages. Making it it very handy indeed in term of social media promo, also it great if I’m out and a new post get publish, I don’t have to worry about tweeting it. However when I’m at home and a new post got publish then I will do a social media promo blitz where I will post the links to various social media groups and updates the hashtags. I also schedule new and old posts throughout the day. I keep an eye out all day with the social media promo and update it when needed.
I absolutely love reading comments from visitors, it’s seriously the best part of having a blog. I will pop on over to my Disqus dashboard and read them there, as many still come in from older posts that I would have missed otherwise. Whenever someone has a question, I do my best to answer it right away.
A blog isn’t complete without any posts, obviously. I will write out a new posts and schedule them for the next day. I keep a journal of blog topic ideas and will choose one from that list, depending on the amount of time I have to complete it. Longer posts such as shopping pages with lots of photos and links require more time and are best suited for days when I have a good few hours spare.I find working your posts around your own schedule is key, As there is no use stressing over an in-depth idea if you simply don’t have the time at the moment.
Post/Blog Audit
I will often spend a few minutes just clicking around the blog and making sure everything is working okay. As I can’t stand broken links and everything all messed up. When something like this happens out of the blue, I often fix it asap. This is a good time to make sure your blog is also working properly on phone/tablet as it’s important to have a responsive layout. Sometimes when I do a WordPress update an issues can arise which need to be sorted asap.
Honestly I don’t do this every single day, but I do update the blog often. I often change images from existing blog posts and tweak existing pages. Little things like this add up and just make the visitor’s experience a little more enjoyable and hopefully attract new readers to this blog.
And that the essential blogging tasks, it something I do everyday. Do you do any the essential blogging tasks?