These are things that have made my life feel so fulfilled that they have occupied my thoughts days and nights; they haunt me in my dream. These things stay on my mind 24/7. Which now I think about it is sad.
Anyway, moving on, these are the things that I have been obsessed with throughout April 2019. A lot of these are a combination of TV shows, beauty and also fashion, as well as random objects.
TV Show:
Game of Thrones
I’m putting this here because I am now obsessed. I cannot stop watching this. Ok, I will admit I do find it hard watching the blood and violence, but I look away or fast forward it. However, the stories are so complex and fascinating. The acting is superb, and oh my god you feel so much for these characters. With the last season airing, I have been waking up at 2-3am to watch the latest episodes. My husband thinks I’m mad, but I genuinely cannot wait to watch it. If you want a binge-worthy show than this is it – but I will say this isn’t for the faint-hearted if the sight of blood, make you ill. You have been warned.
The Chilling Adventure of Sabina
This is easily the best binge-worthy show on Netflix. I did use to read the comic books that the show is based on when I was younger. So I’m thrilled they have done a show that follows the original comic book format/storylines. I also think the actress, Kiernan Shipka plays Sabina brilliantly.
Origins Three Part Harmony Serum
I have always been a fan of Origins products, especially their serum. So when I saw this in Sephora, Paris I knew I had to get this (plus it was cheaper to buy in Euro than in pound which is an additional bonus). Yes, I got this when I went to Paris earlier this year where I took a special trip to Sephora. A full review of this little serum will be up soon, but so far this is a superb little serum, and I cannot wait to share my thoughts on this.
The Ritual of Happy Buddha
Whenever I pass a Ritual shop, I have to go in. It is compulsive to buy at least something. And if you been reading my beauty section on here, then you will know that I love this brand – a lot. The Ritual of Happy Buddha combines sweet oranges and cedar wood to create a unique collection that is bound to brighten up your mood. Well, it has that effect on me. The collection smells divines and makes the skin super soft.
Zara White Dress
The white dress seems to be a big theme/trend for spring/summer 2019, which is perfectly fine for me. When I was in Zara recently this white dress seems to speak to me. A light dress that is perfect to wear when the weather reaches boiling temperature.
Those were the things that I have been obsessed with throughout April 2019. What items have you been obsessed with over the past month?