The hunt is over folks! I have found my winter coat. The problem started when my beloved red coat, nicknamed ‘red riding hood‘ started to fall to pieces at the end of last winter. It was properly on it last legs after nearly 5 years in service. Jolly well done I say to the old red coat and you don’t need to worry as I have given it a proper retirement. So the hunt for a replacement began and after much soul-searching (yes really) I found my new coat, the one coat. I normally stay as far away from parka as they are not my normal style preference and it would be something that I’d never seriously consider in owning – let alone wearing in a million years, what brought the change of heart? I think the change of heart was me. I’m tired of being cold in winter, I’m tired of being at a bus stop shivering like a madman all because I made the decision of not learning to drive and having a warm car waiting for me, I’m tired of not having a pocket (red riding hood didn’t have any pocket) and I’m tired of being rained on and not having a proper hood to protect myself. As I’m a year older from last winter (at this point I’m basically an old lady) I wanted to finally take charge and keep myself warm and protected this year from all the cold elements.
When I said after my soul searching I found the new coat, I mean it! I spent hours online and in store finding one that I liked. There was the disaster New look shopping trip (basically a girl thought I was mad for asking is they stock a parka without fur(*), she actually laugh in my face and walked away) and then Topshop not having the coat in my size (anywhere on online or in store).
(*) My one big requirement was there be no flux far, urgh! That’s such a big no no for me. I think having a flux fur on any coat look kind of tacky and too gangster for me.
Anyway when I was down at Bournemouth after my hot chocolate, I popped into the H&M store and there it was gleaming like a magical light in front of me. This waxed cotton parka had all my requirement – pockets, decent hood and will keep my warm. Needless to say I brought it. For the ootd (outfit of the day) post I teamed it with some combat trouser and a casual t-shirt.
So yay or nay on the coat?