I brought these trouser from Primark last week and since then I have been unsure on them. When I saw them in the shop I loved the pattern and the silk softness of it, without a second thought I brought them, however it was only when I got home I kind-of had second thoughts. Richard thoughts they were pyjamas bottom when I shown him it – no I brought them in the trouser section, I think I would know the different. It just a really nice lounging around trouser and I thought it was unique, quirky and quite pretty, but would I be brave enough to wear around when I’m doing my shopping? See this is where me being unsure come into play here, I think they are perfect for holiday wear or lounging around at home; I don’t think I would wear it to do my food shop?
So folks yay or nay on the trouser and would you wear them and if so where?
Close up of the trouser